Participants will agree to rapid test at home the Sunday before camp starts, and before Thursday AM of camp week. If you need help accessing rapid tests for your child, contact Darcy.
If a child is dropped off with symptoms, or develops symptoms during the camp day, they will be sent home immediately and will not be allowed to return without a negative PCR test.
Please do not send your child to camp if anyone in the household is experiencing Covid symptoms, or has had a recent Covid exposure.
If any camp participant or staff member tests positive during a camp week, the remainder of the camp week will take place virtually (with the possibility of masked in person camp events) and there will be no refunds made.
AONY staff is fully vaccinated, and we will require camp participants to be fully vaccinated as well. Please provide proof of vaccination with registration form. We will not be requiring masks in or outdoors during camp, but that is subject to change if needed. Thanks for understanding, and please feel free to reach out with any questions!